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  • Writer's pictureRent Benidorm


This past weekend the long-awaited 'Iberia Festival 2021' has finally been held at the Julio Iglesias Auditorium in Parque de l'Aigüera, the ninth edition of this Spanish pop rock festival that has already become a tradition as well as a success in the tourist capital of the Costa Blanca.

It opened on Friday, October 8 by the hand of the band 'Ñekü', which heated the atmosphere to give way to 'Ainoa Buitrago' presenting their first but impressive album that will go on sale in the next few days. Reaching the climax of this first day in a big way with the tireless 'Seguridad Social', which signed one of its best performances with themes as mythical as 'Calavera' and 'Chiquilla', as well as versions by various artists.

On this first night of partying, those in charge of closing it and putting the icing on the cake were 'Sidecars', on their' Ruido de Fondo 'tour, in which they gave cane both to songs from their latest album and to their greatest hits as' Fan de tí 'or' Contra las cuerdas'.

But the highlight of this 'Iberia Festival' was undoubtedly its second and last day, which started at 6:00 p.m.

The day was opened by the tribute band to David Bowie 'Bowie: Out of the Ashes' followed by the benidorm's band 'Locos de Atar', giving way to the incombustible 'Danza Invisible', a mythical band from the 80s with Javier Ojeda at the helm , and delighting the audience with songs from his repertoire of more than 30 years of experience, such as 'Sabor de Amor' and 'Reina del Caribe' among others of his songs.

But what all pop rock "nostalgic" was waiting for was the headliners of the festival, 'Los Hombres G'.

The David Summers group filled the auditorium with energy by opening their concert with their 'I'm going to have a good time'. This immortal band came to Benidorm to present their latest album 'The corner of Rowland', of which they played some of their new songs for the first time and which they intertwined with their well-known 'Venice', 'Marta has a pacemaker' or 'Sufre mamón' , they really did not leave any one in the inkwell, and the festival goers vibrated with each and every one of their chords.

As expected, the festival was a success and its tenth edition is already in preparation for next year. Already a reference within the Spanish music scene. Do not forget to visit our 'Agenda' section to keep up to date with all the events and festivals that take place in Benidorm, which are not few.


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