As every new year we all set ourselves resolutions and one of those objectives is to inform you about the best nature routes around Benidorm, whether they are on foot, by bike, to go with your pet, with the family or all together.
We are preparing enough material so that you don't miss any of them, we are doing them ourselves to tell you from our own flesh, how are these routes, the level of difficulty, distances, the time it takes to do each one of them... On a daily basis we are putting together videos, photos, and our testimonies about these routes.
From here we would love you to participate in our initiative, and help and advise us about routes, which ones you would like us to do, which ones are your favourites, what interests you the most... So, although this is a short post, it would be great if you could send us an email or comment below about all this. You can also follow us on social networks and comment there, it won't be for options. We are waiting for you!