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It is already July, and since last week, and due to the new state regulations against the pandemic, thanks mainly to the excellent health evolution, the subdivision system has finally been abolished on the beaches of Levante, Poniente and Mal Pas from Benidorm.

This subdivision, which was implemented since last year with the innovative "Safe Beaches" plan, with which physical distance between people was guaranteed. This plan, which was a complete success in terms of results and among the opinion of the users, has been adapted to each evolutionary situation throughout the year, until finally being able to do without it, undoubtedly a progress towards the return to The normality.

The famous subdivision system, which has already been abolished.

On the other hand, despite the beach not being parceled out, it is necessary to appeal to the responsibility of each one. Therefore, the following hygienic-sanitary measures must be respected:

  • Safety distance of 1.5 meters between users.

  • In case of not being able to respect this distance due to capacity, beach users must at all times observe the guidelines on the use of the mask in open spaces set out in the regulations. Which establishes that the use of the mask will be mandatory "in any outdoor space in which, due to the crowding of people, it is not possible to maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between them, except for groups of cohabitants".

  • The hours of bathing and stay on the beaches are maintained from 07:00 to 22:30. And access to them will be made through the authorized places.

  • The 6-meter walk area from the shore is maintained, in which only children under 10 years of age may remain seated, lying down or immobile.

  • Sports practice, as before, is authorized in the areas enabled for it on a permanent basis. Like the beach volley and beach soccer courts.

  • The use of the footbaths is limited only when leaving the beach.

On the other hand, the cleaning, rescue, first aid and accessible beaches services are already operational and will operate at full capacity at least until September 30. It is also contemplated the reduction of the sectors and number of hammocks that will be installed in the sandy areas with respect to other years, in order to guarantee more space for users.

The space for hammocks will be reduced.

In the words of the mayor of Benidorm: "we are growing in devices, in services, in resources and we are modulating the sandy areas so that the enjoyment of the beaches, our great attraction, is as full as possible and Benidorm is regaining normality to a regulation ".

Enjoying a front line terrace is a pleasure available to everyone.

In another vein, it should be noted that last May (although the occupancy was not at its maximum capacity far from it) the Costa Blanca has been the preferred destination for travelers staying in tourist apartments, undoubtedly a hopeful data, which provides further proof of the desire to enjoy an unbeatable summer and that Benidorm and the Costa Blanca are the perfect destination to spend your holidays, in terms of services, mobility, fun, beaches and amenities.

The Paseo de Levante returns little by little to its usual life.

To keep you up to date with the new measures, news and events taking place in Benidorm, we will never tire of repeating that you can subscribe to our Digital Magazine at no cost.

(Sources: DiarioInformación / AlicantePlaza)


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